Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Melts My Heart

We wanted to share this video of Connor meeting Greyson for the first time in the hospital. As I said before, we were very nervous about how Connor would react to his new baby brother.
This video brings tears to my eyes....I know these boys are going to be the best of friends!

On another note, we went to Greyson's 1st doctor's appt. yesterday. Doctor said he looks great and that we have a healthy baby boy! He is gaining weight and is up to 6 pounds 14 oz. He lost 7% of his birth weight upon discharge from the hospital, but he has already gained a little more than an ounce a day. We didn't get all the stats on his size etc. I think this appt. was mainly a weigh in. He will return for his 1 month visit in April along with his brother's 2 year visit.

Spitting Image

We think baby Greyson looks so much like his big brother did when he was born. We couldn't help but show these side by side images!!!





Tell us what you think!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Happy Birthday Greyson James

After much anticipation, Greyson James arrived on Thursday, March 17th , 2011. He was due on the 19th, but our doctor advised us to go ahead with another induction. As much as I wanted to go into labor on my own, we agreed to the induction. She said I was ready, baby was ready, and we had Jeff's parents here to keep Connor...so it just made sense to go ahead with her advice.
We checked into the hospital at 7 am on the 17th. They started all the ivs of fluids and meds soon after. Around 2:00 pm the doctor came in and broke my water. My contractions came on strong immediately after that. I requested my epidural, which was not soon enough for my comfort. Right after the epidural was given to me, the nurse suddenly couldn't find the baby's heart beat. I can't tell you the worry I felt, and the worry I saw in Jeff's face. We were truly scared in those moments. As many nurses rushed in and the doctor was paged for the emergency...they finally found his heart beat. I am not sure how much time had passed...although it felt like an eternity. They monitored him to make sure his heart was steady, and then it was time to push. I pushed for 40 minutes, and there he was!!! Healthy, crying...and Jeff was even able to cut the umbilical cord. The nurse and the doctor both explained to us, the reason they couldn't find his heart beat was because I went from 5 cm dilated to 10 cm dilated in a matter of 45 minutes. The baby dropped so fast into the birth canal that it he was stressed and it was similar to us losing our breath. He is fine, happy, and healthy, and we could not be more relieved!!!
As for his name...we couldn't decide on a name for the entire pregnancy. We came to the hospital with a short list....Greyson being at the top of mine. Jeff said when he came out and he first saw him, Greyson was the name he immediately thought of. James is after my father who passed away last summer. He would be so proud to see his second grandson if he were alive today. I found out I was pregnant the day I came home from FL after his funeral. If James Doehne didn't sound so cheesy...and if he wouldn't be made fun of for being a sausage king (Jimmy Dean) I would have honored my dad with the first name. However, Greyson James sounds perfect to us!
The rest of our stay at the hospital was great. We had many visitors, Connor's God mother, Jessica Bedard and baby Evan; the Schnabels, and Melissa Vernon all stopped by to meet Greyson.
Connor came with Mimi and Papa. We were honestly so worried about how he would do with a new baby. After all, every time we have been around another baby and tried to hold him/her, Connor would freak out and cry. So we were so concerned that he would not do well with a little one in the home. But we worked hard to tell him about being a big brother. Mimi and Papa really prepared him too...teaching Connor how to say 'Greyson'. When Connor came into the hospital room he was happy and so excited to see his parents and baby Greyson! What a relief!!!! Connor opened the presents that Greyson got for him...Connor loved the attention.
Even coming home and our first few days all together, Connor has been wonderful. He is adjusting so well!!! And so much better than we ever expected.
Lots and lots of pics are on here to share with you all. Hope you enjoy them.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

ZOO and Daddy's Birthday

Just a quick post to share some pics from our trip to the zoo! Connor is very much into animals right now...he knows them all...giraffe, zebra, rhino, elephant...and the oooh oooh ahhh ahhhs (monkeys). Another funny thing he says when anyone or anything is outside, is that they are going potty...so all the animals at the zoo were "going potty". He gets this from us telling Luca to go outside and go potty, so now he thinks when you go outside, you "go potty". Not sure how we are going to change the wording on this one! HA!
He is doing very well with his ABCs. This is too funny to hear...so I will get it on video ASAP to share!
We also celebrated Jeff's birthday....low key, with a yummy meal of stromboli and cookie cake. Connor loved both and also liked helping his daddy open his presents!
Connor's 2 year birthday is right around the corner too...it is hard to believe our baby is going to be 2...and not only that, we will have another baby by then too. We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of this new baby boy. We are about 11 days from the due date! Very exciting!
We will keep you posted, and hopefully the next post we will be introducing that new baby boy!
Enjoy the few pics from the past couple of weeks!