Friday, July 29, 2011

Greyson is 4 Months

Not too much going on with us...especially in this summer heat! We are sure ready for fall to arrive. We have been trying to find fun things to do while staying cool!! We have our weekly play dates with Emi and Teri. We also had our good friends, the Bedard family, come and visit us from Tennessee. Their little guy Evan, our god son, is growing so fast that pretty soon he will be chasing after Connor...with Greyson not too far behind!

Greyson had his 4 month check up. He weighed in at 15 pounds, 6 ounces (in the 60th%) and measured 25 3/4 inches long (in the 75th%). Doctor said he is doing well!! We might try to gradually start putting dairy back into my diet (and his) since his reflux seems under control. His sleeping is getting better....thankfully! He is going down at 8 and sleeping until 6-7am with 1 (sometimes 2) night feedings. He still wakes up a few more times in the middle of the night, but we let him fuss...he doesn't wail or scream....he just fusses for 15 minutes or so then falls back to sleep. Last night was the first night we put him in his crib totally awake, and he fell asleep on his own!! His napping is decent though....morning nap is always super short, but his afternoon nap is a good 3+ hours. He is also sleeping on his tummy. We know "back is best" but we were it is what it is! His neck is strong so we have no worries!
Connor is still into learning colors. Lately he has been obsessed with stop signs, and will spot them all along our drives in the car. He is also getting proficient at some of his favorite books. See the video below of him telling the story of Brown Bear Brown Bear. He is also very much into Mickey Mouse, and the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse tv show. We cannot wait to take him to Disney sometime next year. Potty training is still a no go...we bought all kinds of "cool" underwear with Mickey Mouse and Cars on them, so we talk about them all the time. We also got him to flush the maybe these things will help stir some more interest!

Enjoy the pics below....I know there are a million of Greyson in his little 4 month sticker...but they were all so good that it was hard for me to narrow down my favs! The last couple pictures on there are of our house. We had some major landscaping done to the outside of the house. It has given it a much needed face lift! Now, the challenge will be to keep all the new greenery alive in this summer heat!! Please ignore the dead up will be laying sod, but we are going to wait until fall to do that.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Side by Side Comparison

Just thought it would be fun to put 2 pics of the boys at the same age together to compare. So many people think they look alike, and then some think they look I thought this would be a fun way to see them both at the same age. I tried to pick pictures that were similar in pose and face. One thing is for certain....Connor was definitely a CHUNKIER baby. What do you think?





Sunday, July 10, 2011

July 4th!

Mimi and Papa were here to spend July 4th with all of us. We spent the 3rd at the Davidson concert on the green. Listening to music and enjoying food with our friends the Schnabels! On the 4th we headed to Birkdale Village where they have a huge kid celebration with pony rides, fire trucks, face painting, splash fountain, and a bicycle parade.
We also went to Zootastic park....well lets just call it a petting zoo. It is a small little operation in Troutman...I bought a groupon for admission, so we thought we would give it a try. It was fun to see Connor with the animals...we were even surprised that he was willing to feed some of them!
Enjoy some of the pictures of the last few was hard to pick my there are more than usual!

Update on the boys:
Connor is still going to school 3 days per week. They call it camp for the summer. They are doing many fun things including water play every week and the theme for the summer is animals. He is starting to learn his colors. We pick through our crayons and name the colors. He gets orange, black and white every time....and when he doesn't know the color, it is always red! He can count to 30 now...and I think the boy can do his ABCs backwards....just kidding, not really, but he is such a pro he is now spelling things he sees by naming all the letters. Of course he has no clue what it says, but it is a start!
Greyson is doing well....getting more and more on a predictable routine. We are still feeding at night. Sometimes once, sometimes twice. We are napping a good solid afternoon nap in the crib/pack and play every day for about 3-4 hours. Morning and evening he may cat nap but not for very long. His reflux is better, not great, but I think things will change once he begins to eat solid food. He is so much more interactive now. Telling all kinds of stories, grasping toys, and following motion and sounds with his eyes. He loves to get his leg going in his bouncy seat, which in turn bounces the seat up and down. It is so funny to see. I have to post the little video I have of him doing it. He is such a happy and smiley baby 99% of the time. If only we could get him sleeping through the night!!

See the slide show below or click on this link:
Summer 2011