Monday, May 28, 2012


The boys are taking ISR swim lessons. ISR-Infant Swimming Rescue is a life saving approach to swim lessons. You can read more about the program here: There are mixed reviews all over the internet...but we know many friends in FL who tried this method and highly recommended we gave it a shot. It is time consuming for me- I have to fill out daily forms for both boys indicating what they ate, when they slept, and when they went potty. We drive to Concord every day for a 10 minute lesson for each boy, which is 1 on 1 with Ms. Janet our instructor- this will be our schedule for 5 weeks in total! I am so happy with it so far- here are some pics and videos of the first few lessons. We promise to share pics and videos at the end to show the results!!!

On the MOVE in May

Greyson is off and walking!!! He started off slow-but has taken off this last week. Now he wants to walk everywhere! I have only 2 weeks of school left and them I am out for the summer with the boys! I CANNOT WAIT!!!! Here are some pictures recapping our month of May...
At a birthday party at the YMCA
Feeding giraffes at the zoo
Had to include this one, because it looks like Connor might have lost a thumb in the process
Grey the walking machine
An attempt at a group pic at the zoo
Not much better-but we'll take it!
The Doehne boys on the carousel- and yes, Connor is riding an aardvark!
Both boys at the pool on the Memorial Day weekend