Friday, February 3, 2012

February ALREADY?

Where did January go?!! It's no secret that January is usually my least favorite month of the year. Usually I am having to go back to school after a nice winter break. Also coming down from the high of the holidays along with the bitter cold and long 31 days that barely seem to creep by, it is no wonder that my mood is rather glum during this first month of the year. However, this past January was unseasonably pleseant! The weather has been warm and wonderful....I think it was nearly 70 yesterday ;) and not being at school has helped too ;) So I declare January 2012, my most favorite January of all. Just being silly. But really...nothing new has been going on here in the Doehne home. We somehow stay busy and the time just flies. Between play dates, church, and Connor's new soccer class....we have more than enough to keep us busy!

Grey is now 10 months old. He has many sounds and is proficient at some baby sign language. He is crawling almost on all fours, but he realizes that he is much faster still army crawling versus slipping on the wood floors on his knees. He is eating lots of table food. His favorite seems to be peas! We got him a walker, which I never thought in a million years I would own with all of the safety issues surrounding them, but we needed another upright option for this child who has the most sensitive tummy. We needed something other than an excersaucer, to put him in so that he was upright after eating. So a walker was the solution. We like to call him twinkle toes, it is so cute how he cruises in it. Between him and Connor, you would think we have a drag strip through our downstairs. Greyson in the walker and Connor on his truck, they are always chasing each other back and forth.

Connor just amazes us everyday. He is spelling his name and Greyson's name. He will spell words when he looks at each letter. He loves puzzles and anything Cars related. We started him in a kids soccer league called Little Kickers. The class he is in is a parent/child class and focuses on all different kinds of skill building. I plan to take some pictures of that and post them soon. He is still enjoying school. The teachers tell us all the time how smart he is....just today they said that he recognizes both upper and lower case letters, and that is something that is apparently very advanced for his age. I try to remember that he is just 2...well, almost 3....but it is crazy how these little beings are such little sponges!!! Connor is also the police of the house....he makes sure Greyson doesn't get into anything he isn't supposed to get into...even if it is something that mommy and daddy says is okay. Like the dvds under the tv stand....Grey likes to take them all out, but Connor says that is a "no sir". Too funny!

Well that is all here....hugs to you, from all of us!! Here are just a few pictures from the last 31 days!